
Current Projects

Iowa BMP (Best Management Practices) Mapping Project (Iowa DNR - IDALS - INREC)
This project is providing a complete baseline dataset of agricultural Best Management Practices (BMPs) dating from the 2007-2010 timeframe for use in watershed modeling, historic occurrence, and future practice tracking.  The BMPs being mapped are: Terraces, Water and Sediment Control Basins (WASCOB), Grassed Waterways, Pond Dams, Contour Strip Cropping and Contour Buffer Strips. Data being utilized to digitize the BMPs include LiDAR derived products such as DEM, hillshade and slope grids; CIR aerial photography from the 2007-2010 timeframe, NAIP aerial photography and historic aerial photography.  BMPs are being collected by 12-digit HUC and finished products can be downloaded from this site.

Agricultural Conservation Planning Framework (USDA - ARS - NLAE)
The ACPF watershed planning toolbox is intended to leverage modern data sources and help local farming communities better address soil and water conservation needs. We believe water quality challenges can be better met by improving the quality of information used to identify conservation options in watersheds and on farms. High-resolution geo-spatial datasets that can improve the information base available for conservation planning have recently become available.

IowaView (AmericaView - USGS)
IowaView is a program dedicated to providing research, education, and outreach in the areas of remote sensing and geospatial technology and promoting remote sensing imagery and data resources. IowaView is part of the nationwide AmericaView partnership of remote sensing scientists who support the use of Landsat and other public domain remotely sensing data through applied remote sensing research, K-12, and higher STEM education. workforce development. and technology transfer.

I-Sites (Office of the State Archaeologist)
The master inventory of archaeological sites in Iowa. GIS disseminates information from the Iowa Site File to the professional and avocational archaeological community, as well as to agencies and developers. The Iowa Site File is also used as a data source for research projects on the use of Iowa's landscape by past cultures.

Iowa Geographic Map Server (Iowa DNR - USDA NRCS - MIT)
This site provides free access to Iowa geographic map data through an on-line map viewer and through GIS web map server (WMS) connections. The site was developed by the Iowa State University Geographic Information Systems Support and Research Facility in cooperation with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The site was first launched in March 1999 and now serves more than one billion images per year.

Iowa Geographic Information Council Website (IGIC)
The mission of the Iowa Geographic Information Council (IGIC) is to foster an efficient GIS environment through cooperation and coordination with public and private entities that access, collect, provide, and share data, metadata, applications and educational opportunities.

Past Projects

Bee Hive Production and Land Cover (ISU EEOB)
This project maps locations of bee hives and buffers varying rings from 1 to 10 miles for certain types of land cover. The amount of forage crop sources will be evaluated by 1 of 5 regions in the state.

Iowa Geospatial Data Clearinghouse (Iowa Geographic Information Council)
This website can be used to query for metadata describing data available for download on the Iowa State University campus and links to popular data sources from state, federal and private organizations. The ISU GIS Support and Research Facility maintains an FTP server that mirrors many of the popular geospatial datasets published by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources and other state agencies.

Mississippi River Hypoxia Modeling (ISU ABE)

Iowa Lake & Watershed SWAT Modeling (ISU Limnology Lab)

Iowa MARIS Interface (Iowa DNR)
The Multistate Aquatic Resources Information System (MARIS) was a six state cooperative pilot project to make accessible, via a common, internet-based application, selected fish population survey data from each of the cooperating states. MARIS states include Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin. These states have developed a statewide fisheries survey database containing information on relative or absolute abundance of fish species, morphometry, location, and water chemistry in selected lakes. Each state will maintain authority and responsibility for its own database, but will support internet access through a defined set of summary queries and reports.

Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) Wetland Research (ISU-NREM, USDA FSA)

Iowa Historic Photography Orthorectification (Iowa DNR, Iowa DOT, NRCS)
USDA aerial photos from 1930s-1950s flights are available for all of Iowa - additional years were added by the DNR.

Iowa Gap Analysis Program (USGS, Iowa DNR, ISU-NREM)
A four year project funded by the USGS, Iowa Department of Natural Resources and Iowa State University to examine and model terrestrial vertebrate species distributions in relation to habitat conservation stewardship.

Aquatic GAP (USGS, Iowa DNR, ISU-NREM)

Iowa Rivers Information System (Iowa DNR, ISU-NREM)    

Cultural and Archaeological Sites Database (State Historic Preservation Office)   

Iowa Soils Database (Iowa Cooperative Soil Survey)   

Prairie River RC&D Environmental Atlas   

Wind Energy (ISU-Aerospace Engineering)   

Global Carbon Sequestration Modeling (ISU-Botany)